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Don't Even Mess With Us

bikes.jpg Me and my friend Princess, yea, we rock. Don't mind Michelle and Sonja, no, they are just "tools". It's Princess and I that do all the hard work and today was one of those.

So, our coach, he's pretty cool, he looks like this: steveo.jpg

Well, he told us that today was a big day. We were tasked with escorting the girls through the typical Shadow Mountain Loop, but this time, we were supposed to work together. Yes, Blue, and White do make a good team, and being that we couldn't let the girls down, we performed.

Yes, two minute pulls, up Highgrade, up Shadow, up Little Cub. We rip roared the descents, we worked together, and only once (or twice) did the girls try to steer us towards some hot bikes with riders in Skins Kits.

The girls were proud of us, for we worked our rear detailers off, getting them back to the car safely in a record three and a half hours. Now we have tasked them with washing, buffing, and tuning tasks, must be ready for Wednesday. It's a tough life being a Isaac bicycle in Colorado. So many mountains to climb, so little time.