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King of the Mountain

Okay, I've had one rest day, let's get this party started. Today was so totally AWESOME! But before the awesomeness can start I had to focus! I had a swim and a run to get in before I could go have biking fun at 9:15am. So it was a 6am wake up from mom, 6:30 I'm in the pool, 4200 later I pull myself out and throw on run shoes. Out for my run..go go go. Back in the car, home, pack the car, head to Santa Cruz.

A huge thanks to Michael Hutto for inviting me out to ride today. I've been training alone and I was in need of a little company! We rolled into the parking lot within minutes of each other and were off and rolling soon after. We passed under the finish line for the Amgen Tour of California. I had the big grin...I was so excited!

The plan for me today was to double ride the last climb that the Tour of California goes over today, Bonny Doon. How can I say it? THIS WAS AWESOME. People are tailgating and I'm climbing. They totally gave me TONS of cowbell love! I got to the top and I knew I wanted to descend down the other side and re climb it. So I asked for directions from a dude at the top and down I went.

The climb back up was 12 miles, very similar to Highgrade with a few steeper spots. I loved every minute of it and I felt on FIRE today. There was sweat dripping out of my helmet...I'm sure it was the humidity!

Back at the top I saw the guy that gave me directions and we ended up chatting for awhile. I hung out with him and his friends the rest of the day, and LAUGHED my butt off!

We were at the top of the King of the Mountain climb and now all we had to do was wait. The boys from the Tour of California were making their way up and hundreds of people were there to scream. I headed to a good cheer spot with my new friends. We were all in hilarious moods and I haven't had this much fun in awhile.

So, here's how it went:

--- cop cars go by --- motorcycle cop cars go by --- cop cars with lights on --- motorcycles with lights and sounds --- Tour of California cars go by --- Car with bullhorn goes by and tells us the lead group will be by in 8 minutes --- We start to go balistic! --- more cars --- massive cop cars, sirens, crazyness, we know they are here --- LEVI, ZABRISKIE, and Mick Rogers pass by.

--- I scream my head off while trying to take a picture. --- I drool a little, and turn my head just in time to watch JOHAN BRUYNEEL drive by in the Team Radio Shack CAR. I almost pee my pants. Because I read Johans book, and I kinda love him.

--- I take 5 deep breaths and try to calm down. --- The chase pack comes by but all I see is RADIO SHACK RED, and I look as they go by and see #2 which is none other than LANCE! --- Some stragglers come through and I cheer for them --- I look up and see Andy Schleck and I can not contain myself. I shout "Andy Schleck, you are so hot" and he looks at me AT ME. Does he even speak English? Does he now know I think he's hot? Should I be embarrassed? Andy is on the left.

--- I wipe the drool from my face --- The peloton comes by and it's CRAZY. We have to jump off the side of the road because they take up the whole thing. Some are jockying, others are sitting in, some are getting food from team cars, and others are hanging on for dear life at the back. --- All the team cars go by and we cheer louder for them. Bikes on top, some are honking. It's mad crazy awesome! --- And then it's over. Whew. That WAS AWESOME! I wanna do it again!

My new friends and I descended again and rode through Santa Cruz together where it was total mayhem. We were like 14 year old kids on bikes, having fun, smiles plastered all over our faces.

Could that be Johan's car?

Finish line INSANITY!

New Friends