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Tread, Chains and Sweat

The details:Planned Hours: 11 Total Time Spent Training: 10:59 Swim Yardage: 2100 Bike Miles: 41.4 Run Miles: 29.46 Race: 3K (1.86mi) snowshoe race

My two goals this week were to: 1) Have a consistent week in training 2) Determine my training schedule for the season

I’m happy to say I attained both goals. I put together my schedule for the season and I feel really confident in it. I used about 10 different sources for inspiration, and it turned out well. My base is good and strong at this point so I am looking forward to working on some speed and some strength.

I had a consistent week! I didn’t take Monday off b/c I had 3 days off last week. It was a bit tough to get all the workouts in, but I did, and I am proud of myself for that. I had to switch around a few, and I ended up running 10 miles the evening after my race, but it all worked out well in the end. I feel great today, not too tired, ready for my day off tomorrow, and VERY ready for my next week of training in SUNNY CALIFORNIA (as if Colorado isn’t sunny).

Goals for next week are: 1) Have another consistent week of training, incorporating in a hills day on the run. 2) Run, bike and swim at the beach! 3) Stay within my eating plan, and spread the love to my parents

Have a great week!