Ski-land or BUST
VACATION WOO HOO. My parents flew into town yesterday and we are heading up to Avon/Beaver Creek/Vail for 9 days. We have a nice little 2 bedroom condo rented and we are ready to have some fun. Food and beer have been purchased and packing will take place this evening. We pick up a good friend from the East Coast tomorrow at the Eagle Airport and then it's party party party...okay as much as you can party with a 2 year old and some serious training to do.
This Sunday is the 3rd installment of the Beaver Creek Snowshoe Series. This race is the Jeremy Wright North American Snowshoe Championships. All the fast folks come out of the woodwork to race at this race and it's usually very competitive. Exciting! If you are planning on coming up, my parents and I are hosting vegetarian lunch/dinner back at the condo afterwards, so be sure to let me know so I can send you directions!
After the race on Sunday it's all about SKI SKI SKI. If you plan to be up skiing next week be sure to let me know so we can hook up. We will be at Beaver Creek and Vail most the time. We would love to see you!
Hopefully I can get some posts up during vacation, wish me luck!