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A Bike Accident

We drove into the garage with the bikes on top of the car today. Troy's bike is totaled, he cracked and bent (read: mangled) his frame. My fork was broken off, but the frame is intact. The sunroof of the car was shattered. The two bike racks were totaled. The rack bars on top of the Subaru are also totaled. It's been a fun afternoon. We are trying to be light hearted about it, but we catch ourselves every once in awhile with a sour look on our face as the reality seeps back in. Being down about it doesn't help anything, and it's not like anyone was hurt in the process. Still, it's hard to see the busted up bike carnage that resulted.

Steve is ordering a new fork for me which will be overnighted on Monday, so we should be able to get my bike up and running again before we leave for Florida. Troy's bike will have to wait a little longer. Unfortunately I think we will just need to get him a completely new bike. Looks like the car will be covered by insurance, subject to our deductible of course. Happy times!

Ahh, the joys of endurance sports.