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Veggie Update

The garden has been busy while I have been racing my tail off all over the country. Troy tended things well while I have been gone.

This just in: Early Girl Tomatoes rock! I have a tomato that is getting RED. Yes RED, like, as in edible RED!

My three tomato plants have oodles of tomatoes on them and have grown in height above their cages, despite the fact that two of them are supposedly 2 foot high patio tomatoes. Out of 14 green been seeds sowed, I have 10 successful plants happily growing up the trellis. My snap peas look too pretty to eat with their ripe pods dangling high from my balcony. The basil is happy, but the cucumber is slow to start despite much coddling. Here are some photos for your salivary pleasure.

My Early Girl dscn1871.jpg

A close up of the ripening tomato dscn1874.jpg

The galvanized pot garden with basil, Early Girl, 10 green bean plants, and 1 cucumber. dscn1882.jpg

My two patio tomatoes, brimming with tomatoes dscn1879.jpg dscn1878.jpg

A close up of the bounty to come dscn1884.jpg

Lastly, a great shot of my snap peas. dscn1880.jpg