May 19th - Every Day in May

I had a quick day today, kept quite busy with work and a long run in the hills. My body is starting to come around to an adapted place and I just want to double down on every little thing these day. Grabbing life, one moment at a time.

Health is Physical:

I got in a nice 10 miler today in MDO with Amy. We had a fun time exploring trails and telling stories along the way. I can’t believe my running is still going strong, with my body adapting and my foot feeling much better. Why is KT tape so awesome? I swear half the time it’s a placebo? When I wake up in the morning and think about what I’m going to do for exercise, I have so many options, but right now I keep gravitating to running and I wonder why? It’s the one thing I have always kept in my life, I have so many amazing memories of developing as a runner and the places running has taken me. It was my original strength in triathlon until my cycling developed and I think it will always be my first love. When you can run, no matter how slow, you can move across the earth with ease. It’s a beautiful feeling inside. And as my daughter said in her instagram post last night “ANYONE can run” (love her).


Health is Mental/Emotional:


I listened to the second half of the Tim Ferriss Podcast with Elizabeth Gilbert, and loved how they got deep into being in service to your creativity and to the longings of ones soul. The act of writing every day has been inspired by this concept that Liz writes about in big magic. Showing up every day just in case today is the day something awesome needs some time dedicated to it. Inspiration comes in waves, concepts come before me, they get floated to me and I have to decide if I take them and run with them or not.

It’s insanely easy to get caught up in the day to day and I find that my creative inspirations pass by without any sort of action or consideration. Writing every day, or creating art every day is my way of allowing space for those visions.

What you produce is not necessarily always sacred, I realized, just because you think it’s sacred. What is sacred is the time that you spend working on the project, and what that time does to expand your imagination, and what that expanded imagination does to transform your life.
― Elizabeth Gilbert

Setting aside time every darn day to pursue what the world is offering up to me is one of the biggest acts of living life. Grabbing inspiration as it arrives on my doorstep, whether it’s the desire to run 15 miles in woods, or plant a garden. Whether it’s reaching out to an old friend, or telling someone I love them because I feel the pull to do so, it’s all a part of inspired living, of being in service to those flying inspirational whims.

And I want to ask, who needs you to show up more in this way today? Who needs you to be wildly alive and inspired? You do. That’s who.


Health is Spiritual

Today featured a simple meditation on the front balcony. 30 minutes of mindfulness watching the colors dance on the back on my eyelids in reds and blacks, with sometimes waves of purple. My hips aching and my back sore as I can never really find a comfortable position to meditate in. My body seems built for action, for movement, and not stillness. I keep trying, but probably need to explore the various moving meditation practices out there. But I sit, because that’s good for me too. And then I got up and cleaned the fridge…. another spiritual endeavor!


I got out for sunset time today and I have to say that my best days include watching the sun set. I am such a junkie for the darn phenomenon. I think it’s because of the COLOR. It’s that perfect metaphor for all the Earthly world has to offer. The vibrancy, intensity of some days, and the pastel softness of others is such a reminder of nature and all it has to offer if you going looking for the color.

Until tomorrow… in good health.