Goal0 Nomad 7 Winners

Okay, folks, let me say WOW! I've just gone through all the tweets that transpired while I was out racing Ironman Arizona and all I can say is WOW! You guys had way too much fun and I think you really enjoyed the twittercast sponsored by Goal0!

So without further adieu, let's reveal some winners!

#1: First off we have Kelly, who is @TriMommyKelly on Twitter and also has the TriMommyLife.com blog. She guessed that I would go 10:18:32 and was the closest to my time. All of you had some very optimistic goals for me, but I think Kelly was the only one that looked at the weather report! Great Job Kelly!

#2: Hillary (@hasaunders) wins the second Nomad 7 because my mom thought she was the first responder to the trivia question.

#3: @cachedout wins a Nomad 7 because he was the ACTUAL winner to the trivia question! I know mom, it's a little hard to tell who responded first...but it was indeed @cachedout and the twiterfeed reveals it!

Then there were the "state how your would use one in 140 characters" these were the hard ones that I had to judge. Ummm @coachkati you were disqualified for stating that you would use the Nomad 7 in the subway. No SUN! So close! @anthonybeeson you were disqualified for referring to PEDs, no good my friend, no good!!!!!! I kid with all this but I did have a hard time choosing and finally went with the following two.

#4: @milesmusclesmom: @goSonja @Goal0TakeCharge I would use Nomad to keep my call charged-nonstop phone calls from hubby asking "are you done run/bike/swim yet?"

#5: @megankillian: @goSonja race sherpa-ing for my boyfriend in 2011 in his first 24-hr mtbike race and friend at leadville100 + for me when i do rim2rim2rim

But Megan, you would have to promise to share it with @samuelhgardner. Ok?

If you won a Nomad 7, please send me your address and I will get them in the mail as soon as I get back to Denver. You can use the "contact me" tab up at the top of my blog.

Also, I would like to say a huge Thank You to Goal0. Their products rock the house and we sure have fun keeping our electronics charged while we are running around doing crazy stuff. Thanks for making many durable, reliable products!

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