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May 27th - Every Day in May

I got sucked into the SpaceX launch of Crew Dragon so hard core today! I got nothing productive done for most the day while I watched the internet. I am FASCINATED by SpaceX, and I actually remember them starting work on it at UCSD when I was there in 2001. There was a lab that had a SpaceX logo on the wall and I remember talking to a guy and he was telling me about commercial space travel and I was like “you are bananas!” And then today, one huge step closer! I’ll be watching Saturday and praying for good weather in Florida.

Health is Physical:

Because of my very late in the day nap, it got to be dark without me doing anything physical except laying on the couch! I suited up with the dog and ran up to the tippy top of Los Osos in the pitch black night. The stars were out, the moon had not risen and I felt really full of life. I ran to the end of the road, the very top. I think we used to go there to make out in High School and I hadn’t been there since.

Health is Mental/Emotional:

I watched another episode of the Rewired series with Joe Dispenza on Gaia today. I have to admit, it facilitated me taking a fairly long nap. This episode was on meditation and there were a few concepts in there that I roll around in my head often.

1) He talked about how thinking thoughts is the same physiologically as experiencing them and I have to say I have heard this in the woo woo space quite a bit. If you constantly think the same thoughts, then you rewire your brain in that direction. I understand thought reinforcement, but I don’t buy that thinking about sex is the same as experiencing it. Sorry, I’m just not with him on that one. Thinking abut birthing a baby, is definitely not the same as experiencing it either. I see the overlap, but not samsies. I do think that thoughts matter, and that an important part of mastering this Earthly life is getting your mind in the direction of your dreams, and managing the negativity and doubts that creep up along the way.

2) The other concept I have been rolling around with is this idea of thought control leading to outcome control. Manifestation lines of thinking. It’s a very attractive concept for sure, and there seem to be a lot of people in this space recently. I have even been told that I am a master at manifestation, and I honestly would agree. I’ve manifested some wacky stuff through the years, some next level stuff. And I love telling my manifestation stories, full of serendipity and coincidence.

Where I have been getting stuck recently is the over fixation on controlling your thoughts or programming your thoughts, and that being the sort of portal to the results. I feel like the soul and spirit side of things is totally missing from these conversations. The mind is the operating system for the space suit. The space suit is the body. The soul is inside the suit, and it’s the one going on the Earth ride. Control the operating system, I get that completely. But lately I have found very little thought control needs to be manipulated if you are in touch and in service to your soul, the dude in the suit. Take one step deeper than just the thoughts and the mind.

Health is Spiritual

There is a wisdom within you that knows beyond knowing, that will not yield to the linear structure of thinking. Your task is to free the mind from linear bondage by setting the mind to serve the heart, and to be in the Now, moment to moment, in whatever manner the heart will be served. Through that Nowness, the mind will learn its power.

— Emmanuel’s Book

My spiritual task for the day was to read this and repeat it 100 times to myself. 100 times. If this is stamped into my brain, I will be so much better off.


I had a friend named Sachit that I met in one of my entrepreneur groups back in the day and we used to have the best growth conversations. He told me about the book Relentless and how he had read it 10 times back to back because he thought that if he really wanted to take on that mindset, 10 times through the book would make it so. I read the book, and once was enough for me, but it has made me think ever since, what book would I pick as the one book to read 10 times in a row so as to make it part of my being?

Until tomorrow… in good health.