Tips for the Solo Runner

I posted a new blog up on the RunColo site. I think you all will like it, it's about some tips for the Solo Woman Runner. Something I know a lot about! I had a lot of fun writing it and developed the entire post in my head when I was out for a 3.5 hour run on Tuesday. Man did it feel good to get out and run long after I had to watch all those marathoners last weekend. I was itching to let loose! Also, if you’re looking for a race check out the Colorado Running Calendar or looking for local race results check out the Colorado Race Results.

Here is a snip-it:

I'm a chick. And I love to run. Okay, so I love to swim and bike, and snowshoe, and ski, and hike, and and and... but for some reason running is that sport that calls me often. I love long runs where you throw some stuff in your Nathan pack, head out the door and come back hours later and in need of a good massage, a bath, some food, and your bed. I think running long is that "thing" which I appreciate most because it takes the highest level of fitness to be a multi-hour endurance runner....

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