May 15th - Every Day in May

Today has been so amazing, in so many ways. Waking up in the middle of the forrest, watching the sun slowly come up, and hearing the birds make noises all around the tent, was divine. Even a bad night of sleep in the wilderness is better than a good night of sleep at home.

Health is Physical:

We hit up an early morning 12.7 mile run in Pinnacles National Park before driving home. My body is in need of a rest day and I think I’m going to take one tomorrow. Even though I felt pretty badly while running, the scenery was just amazing. I always forget that the Pinnacles is so gorgeous with it’s wild peaks, it feels like it could be in a scene of Star Wars.

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Health is Mental/Emotional:

For my health mental task today I read this article published by Tara Mohr. Her book Playing Big is one of my favorites for women. I was drawn to her opener where she basically says we need to stop asking ourselves self assessment questions like “What if I’m not good enough to do that?” The picture she paints is so spot on and this article feels foundational to building emotional health.

I especially loved her advice to change the questions, from being unique to being authentic, from asking if you are good at something to asking if it is meaningful work to you. It ties in nicely with the work I am doing on the outlining things within my control. Give it a read, I hope it resonates.

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Health is Spiritual

Today on the spiritual spectrum I was back in the corner of the living room for 25 minutes of meditation. It was so needed after a few nights of poor sleep and feeling a bit unstable and all over the place. It was a good meditation where I felt like I was barely there, just zoned out and letting my brain work on the things that it needed to work on.


Today has been awesome, but it is definitely time for sleep and rest and rejuvenation this weekend. My body mind and soul are a little tired and I’m ready for a battery recharge.

Until tomorrow… in good health.