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The Women in my Life

backend.jpg I have been so lucky to have lots of wonderful active women to train with the last several years. An important sub group have been my close mom friends that I bike with. We dubbed our group "Bike with your Bambino" and there is a pretty substantial group of us that continue to bike with our kids as they get older and older. We went out for a 2 1/2 hour ride yesterday and had a total blast. It's really fun to ride at the back of the group and listen to all the comments of the people who pass us. I hear "The baby brigade", "wow they are racing", "moms unite", and many other hilarious little comments. Our kids have grown up either in the backpack or in the Chariot and most the time the kids are perfectly happy for 1 or 2 or even sometimes 3 hours riding. We get in great workouts, after all, every ride pulling 60 pounds is like a hill workout.

Laura, Gaye, Hillary, Me, and Lindsay group.jpg

So thanks to all the moms in my life, and to all the women that I train with, we sure have a lot of fun staying healthy.
