What A Mess

Some of you might notice some changes! What a total mess. My blog has been hosted by a certain provider who shall remain nameless since 2007. It's been up and down and more recently as the blog has gained popularity I started exceeding all these "limits"...bandwidth, space, blah blah blah. Pretty much what would happen is my blog would go down, and I would contact the hosting with a "Help me" email. They always got me back going, but often times there was a "fee" for increased bandwidth, or the "next bigger plan". I shelled it out because I didn't really have the knowledge to do anything different. The woman who originally designed my blog set everything up, and I've been in maintenance mode ever since. I just want to write...and post pictures...and video...!

So about 39 hours ago I got an email saying that my "host" had encountered a double hard drive failure on the server where my blog resided. It would be back up in about 24 hours.

24 hours, still no blog.

30 hours and it would come up, and then be down, then up, then down.

Also, all my posts from February and March were missing.

Long story short everyone needs a kick in the pants sometimes and this was mine. I didn't know how to do it, and it took 5 calls to customer service, many hours, and an ordeal that could be a 3-part blog, but I now have a newly designed blog that is hosted with a top notch and much more affordable company who is willing to sit through 5 customer service calls with me.

AND, I designed it all by myself, and migrated my posts, and updated all my logos, and, and, and, and...

Aren't you proud?

So, it looks like February and March posts are gone, but I was just able to find the content in my RSS reader, so I will work on manually reposting those, but all your wonderful comments in Feb are gone. That makes me so sad, but it was a lesson learned. When in doubt take the bull by the horns, do it yourself, learn, don't be afraid to ask, and know that anything is possible with some good old fashion elbow grease.

I don't know if your subscriber feeds still work? I'm hoping they do!

Sonja Wieck7 Comments