Alcatraz Photo Recon

So I'm pretty sure that the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon course is the most gorgeous course in history. It's just breath-taking. Now hopefully the fog won't roll in!The bike has lots of hills, super steep ones. I took some photos.

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At the top of the last hill was a sign warning people that OUR RACE IS COMING! Ha! alc8.jpg

I took off to do the run course and hooked up with another triathlete running the course as well. We were the blind leading the blind but we had a fun run together. The funny part was that my dad was biking with us and the course goes up SEVERAL sets of stairs, and under a tunnel, plus along all this crazy single track dirt. My poor dad was doing some major hike-a-bike, all the while trying to take pictures and keep up with us. I think he is going to sleep well tonight!

Here is a shot of me running past Crissy Field (used to be a runway for the military) with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.


The SAND LADDER is totally crazy! So crazy that dad and I had to go back to it after my run to take some pictures. Can you see what I am up against? This is the SECOND set of major stairs in the race!

Here it is all it's glory:


Here is what the top of the ladder part looks like, see how the stairs get blown out and it's just getting sandy: alc13.jpg

Here is the final part of it. No more stairs just uphill sand. This was the most painful part when I ran it today. The stairs were fun, but the sand hurt bad!

alc14.jpg's so worth it, because check out the view while you are climbing the sand ladder.


Here's dad and I being silly!

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So when you are done with the sand ladder and you climb up the last little hill you are awarded with an awesome view and three miles of downhill to the finish. Here's a shot of the "nothing but downhill from here" view. Notice the Golden Gate bridge peaking out!


Are you jealous yet?

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