Trakkers' reals?

I was cruising the Team Trakkers site today and am so impressed. Check out my profile. My favorite part is clicking "Blog" at the top. Several of my teammates are posting a blog entry every day. There is never a shortage of cool stuff to read on there. I love it. This Wednesday is the third installment of the Rev3 radio show. These are way too fun and last week we had some majorly big name pros in the chat room. You just never know who will log on. The pro being interviewed tomorrow is Matt Reed. He has confirmed for all three Rev3 events and I am super curious to hear whether he will be doing the FullRev at Cedar Point. I don't think Matty has done a full iron distance race, so I'm intreagued! Here is the link to listen tomorrow at 6pm mountain time.

Lastly I have officially signed up for the Rev3 Races in Knoxville (Oly) and Quassy (1/2). I would love to do the inaugural FullRev at Cedar Point, but there is one other sneaky little Ironman that I am trying to qualify for first. If that doesn't happen then I am Cedar Point Bound, and I may do Cedar Point HalfRev for a tune up for said previously mentioned race which requires qualifying, which shall remain nameless during the current blog posting. So much is still undecided until the end of June. If you are delaying in signing up for a Rev3 event, you need to get on it. My discount code is PracticalRev3.

That's all for now, training is going delightfully. Getting to the starting line of a 100 miler is 90% of the battle so I am pleased that I have completed my hard training, I am not injured in the slightest, and I have the confidence that I can get the job done even if I have a bad day. I think that's an important (and overlooked) facet of training, knowing you can achieve your goals even if the circumstances are crummy.

Next blog will be some details about food, and pacers for the 100.

Disclaimer: I am a member of Team Trakkers who is affiliated with the Rev3 series.

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