29 Times Around the Sun
Yup, today is the day. I've been around the sun and experienced the seasons 29 times today. My mom and I celebrated this morning by taking Annie to the Children's Museum. She insisted on wearing her Halloween costume. We call her a garden fairy/princess/TinkerBell thing. What a hoot. We had so much fun, I loved it! We started in the bubble room. She loved it! My mom blew a big bubble at her and she screamed with joy.
Scary Bubbles
They had this great "thingy" that you could push on and leave your imprint. Then on the other side, people could push the do-hickys back your way. We battled with some 7 year olds for like 10 minutes. We pushed, they pushed, we laughed, they laughed! What a hoot.
There was this cool thing you could climb into and it was like a kaleidoscope inside. I drug Annie in there too, and mom even came in too.
They had this great room for Annies age with just tons of fun stuff. They had volunteers helping the kids through crafts and if I lived here I would be meeting other moms in this room for playgroup. It was the bomb. It was all carpeted and it had a whole reading area with couches, pillows and TONS of books. It had a dress up area, a tea party area, a sand sensory area, and tons tons more. There was even an ultra-padded baby/infant area. Very neat-o. Annie really enjoyed the painting area.
They had a tunnel and it had stars on the ceiling and all these neat little windows to look into.
Annie enjoyed a nice tea party.
Lastly they had an Alice in Wonderland exhibit. It was a bit of a buzz kill, but I did take a rather nice self portrait.
We spent the rest of the day napping, and enjoying each other. Mom took me out to a fabulous dinner at Cheesecake factory, complete with a take home slice of cheesecake (which I am about to go consume). Mom let me pick out a new camera for my birthday (I have been begging). I am now the proud new owner of an Olympus Stylus 1050 SW. It's supposed to be one of the most freeze-proof, drop-proof, waterproof, shockproof point and shoots on the market. And for this girl, that a necessity for use. Check out this awesome review.
All in all, I had a great 29th time around the sun-iversary.